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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about The Refugee Tales Project, and also some key terminology used to describe refugees and their situations.

Content guidance

  • Contains subject matter which individuals may find upsetting.


Adult supervision suggested.


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5 Questions

What is the correct definition of 'migrant'?
Someone waiting to be recognised as a refugee.
Someone who is fleeing persecution or war.
Correct answer: Someone who travels from one place to another.
What is the correct definition of 'refugee'?
Someone waiting to be recognised as a refugee.
Correct answer: Someone who is unable to return home due to persecution or war.
Someone who travels from one place to another.
What is the correct definition of 'asylum seeker'?
Correct answer: Someone waiting to be recognised as a refugee.
Someone who is unable to return home due to persecution or war.
Someone who travels from one place to another.
What text is 'The Refugee Tales' inspired by?
The Bible
Correct answer: The Canterbury Tales
The Odyssey
Which of these facts about detention centres is incorrect?
Detention centres are similar to prisons.
Correct answer: There are 5 detention centres in the UK.
There is no limit on how long a migrant can be detained in a detention centre.

Lesson appears in

UnitEnglish / The Refugee Tales: 'Prologue', ed. Anna Pincus and David Herd
