What was life like in the 17th century?

In this lesson, we will begin by looking at who ruled England during the 17th century, up to who was in charge at the time of the Great Fire of London. We will then have a look at how people lived, finishing by exploring the different types of jobs available during this period.

What was life like in the 17th century?

In this lesson, we will begin by looking at who ruled England during the 17th century, up to who was in charge at the time of the Great Fire of London. We will then have a look at how people lived, finishing by exploring the different types of jobs available during this period.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. To develop an awareness of life in the 17th century.
  2. To understand how people lived in the 17th century.
  3. To understand how society was structured in 17th century London.
  4. To understand how the government functioned in 17th century London.


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7 Questions

Who ruled England between 1558 and 1603 AD?
Correct answer: Elizabeth I
James I
Who succeeded Elizabeth I after her death in 1603?
Charles I
Correct answer: King James VI of Scotland
Oliver Cromwell
When was the Gunpowder Plot uncovered?
1604 AD
Correct answer: 1605 AD
1606 AD
1607 AD
King James I was a Catholic. True or false?
Correct answer: False
During the 17th century, which part of London was considered to be working class?
Correct answer: East
When was the last major outbreak of plague in London?
Correct answer: 1665
What is a spinster?
Correct answer: A woman who made a living out of spinning wool and linen.
An individual who cleans chimneys and fireplaces.
Somebody who sold remedies made from herbs, plants and roots.

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / The Great Fire of London
