Who was Gertrude Bell?

In this lesson, we will learn about a famous explorer called Gertrude Bell. She was best known for her travels to the Middle East. She helped lots of countries in the Middle East communicate after WW1.

Who was Gertrude Bell?

In this lesson, we will learn about a famous explorer called Gertrude Bell. She was best known for her travels to the Middle East. She helped lots of countries in the Middle East communicate after WW1.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about a famous explorer called Gertrude Bell. She was best known for her travels to the Middle East. She helped lots of countries in the Middle East communicate after World War 1.


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3 Questions

1) What did the ruler of China ask Marco Polo to do?
Build in his kingdom
Dig in his kingdom
Correct answer: Explore his kingdom
2) What did Marco Polo do while he was in prison?
Correct answer: Wrote a book
Wrote a letter
3) Which country was Marco Polo from?
Correct answer: Italy

4 Questions

1) What war did Gertrude Bell live through?
Correct answer: World War 1
World War 2
2) What was Gertrude Bell interested in?
Correct answer: Archaeology
3) Why was Gertrude Bell able to travel around the world?
Correct answer: Her family was rich
She was good at travelling
She was important
4) Why was Gertrude Bell so important to Great Britain?
She discovered lots of ancient artifacts in Iraq
Correct answer: She helped communicate with the Middle East during WW1
She helped to speak Arabic when she was in the Middle East

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / Explorers and adventurers
