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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about the ways in which the Elizabethans sought to develop their trading networks throughout the world.


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5 Questions

Who was 'Sultana Isabel'?
Correct answer: Elizabeth I
The wife of the Moroccan Sultan
What was the nickname of Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur?
The 'Courageous One'
Correct answer: The 'Golden One'
The 'Intelligent One'
The 'Silver One'
Why did England and Morocco wish to become close after 1588?
They both wished to become wealthy by exploring America
They both wished to see their monarchs work together to take Tangier
Correct answer: They had a mutual enemy of Spain
What was the 'Barbary Company'?
A company of English soldiers who travelled to Morocoo
A company of Moroccan men who came to England
Correct answer: A company of traders who wished to trade with Morocco
What did Elizabeth I wish for in return for joining Ahmad al-Mansur in an invasion of Spain?
Correct answer: Sugar

5 Questions

Was Roanoke a success or failure?
Correct answer: Failure
What was a joint-stock company?
Correct answer: A company made up of investors who would help to fund trading missions in return for profit
A company of explorers who looked to create colonies in America
A company which focused on foreign trade made up of merchants
A company with Royal backing to explore the world
Which of these did the English not trade with the Ottoman Empire for?
Correct answer: Tobacco
What was the 'East India Company'?
A company of English soldiers who travelled to Asia
A company of Indian men who came to England
Correct answer: A company of traders who wished to trade with Asia
What did Sir John Hawkins fail to make a profit in?
Enslaving people to be sold in the Spanish Empire in the 'New World'
Correct answer: Setting up a colony at Roanoke

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / Why was the world opening up to Elizabeth I and her people?
