Why did Boudicca lead a revolt against the Romans?

In this lesson we will learn about why Boudicca lead a revolt against the Romans. We will begin by looking at who the Iceni tribe were and then look at how the Romans responded to the death of the Iceni King. Finally, we will find out how Boudicca fought back against the Romans.

Why did Boudicca lead a revolt against the Romans?

In this lesson we will learn about why Boudicca lead a revolt against the Romans. We will begin by looking at who the Iceni tribe were and then look at how the Romans responded to the death of the Iceni King. Finally, we will find out how Boudicca fought back against the Romans.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The Iceni tribe under Prasutagus
  2. What happened when Prasutagus died
  3. How Boudicca defeated the Romans in several battles


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5 Questions

Who was the Emperor of Rome in 43 CE?
Correct answer: Claudius
Julius Caesar
Which of these is not an accurate description of the Roman Army?
Correct answer: Chaotic fighting style
Well equipped
Well organised
Well trained
What was the name of the large houses that the Romans built?
Correct answer: Villas
Which of these jobs did Caesar not have during his lifetime?
Correct answer: Freeman
When did Julius Caesar's failed invasions of Britain take place?
264 BCE, 218 BCE and 146 BCE
43 CE and 44 CE
Correct answer: 55 BCE and 54 BCE

5 Questions

Which part of England were the Iceni tribe from?
Correct answer: Norfolk
How much of his kingdom did Prasutagus have to give to Emperor Nero in order to remain King?
Correct answer: Half of his kingdom
His entire kingdom
One quarter of his kingdom
How were Paulinus' army able to defeat Boudicca at Watling Road?
Boudicca surrendered
They had more soldiers
Correct answer: They used better tactics
Which of these is not an accurate description of the Roman Army?
Correct answer: Chaotic fighting style
Well equipped
Well organised
Well trained
When did Julius Caesar's failed invasions of Britain take place?
264 BCE, 218 BCE and 146 BCE
43 CE and 44 CE
Correct answer: 55 BCE and 54 BCE

Lesson appears in

UnitHistory / Roman Britain
