The effect of light on the growth of seedlings: practical
I can measure, record and explain the growth response of seedlings to different light intensities.
The effect of light on the growth of seedlings: practical
I can measure, record and explain the growth response of seedlings to different light intensities.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Investigating the response of newly germinated seedlings to bright directional light (e.g. mustard seedlings)
- Accurately measuring the length of growth
- Producing accurate, labelled scientific drawings to depict the growth response
- Interpreting and describing the results
- Explaining the growth response of seedlings to light using ideas about auxins and phototropism
Quantitative data - Data that is collected through taking measurements.
Qualitative data - Data that is collected through making observations.
Auxins - Plant hormones that affect the growth of plants.
Phototropism - Growth response stimulated by light.
Conclusion - A summary of the results of an investigation with data and scientific explanations
Common misconception
Pupils may think auxins move down the side of the stem that is nearest to the light and cause it to bend. Pupils may also think that sketched drawings are more accurate than scientific line drawings.
Auxins move down the shaded side causing cell elongation, which causes the seedling to grow towards the light. Line diagrams are representations that are clear and labelled; making them easy to read.
cress or mustard seeds, cotton wool, petri dishes, ruler
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions