Insulin, glucagon and the control of blood sugar level
I can describe the role of the hormones insulin and glucagon in controlling blood sugar level.
Insulin, glucagon and the control of blood sugar level
I can describe the role of the hormones insulin and glucagon in controlling blood sugar level.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- If conditions in the body change too much, this can be dangerous to our health.
- Glucose travels in the blood and is delivered to cells for respiration.
- The hormones insulin and glucagon help to keep human blood sugar level constant.
- The pancreas secretes insulin when blood sugar level is too high; the liver absorbs glucose and coverts it to glycogen.
- The pancreas secretes glucagon when blood sugar level is too low; the liver converts glycogen into glucose in the blood.
Respiration - a chemical reaction in livings organisms that releases energy from glucose
Glucose - is a sugar that travels in the blood and is supplied to cells for respiration
Glycogen - is a stored form of glucose found in liver and muscle cells
Insulin - a hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose is too high, lowering blood glucose levels
Glucagon - a hormone secreted by the pancreas when blood glucose is too low, increasing blood glucose levels
Common misconception
Not linking the idea that glucose concentration is important for cellular respiration, even during times of rest.
There are a selection of slides in LC1 that specifically link glucose and respiration and discuss the idea of respiration occurring during rest.
None required.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

increase in blood glucose concentration
decrease in blood glucose concentration
Exit quiz
6 Questions
blood glucose too high
blood glucose too low