The genetic code
I can describe how instructions for making proteins are coded into DNA.
The genetic code
I can describe how instructions for making proteins are coded into DNA.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- DNA is a polymer of four different nucleotides (A, C, G and T).
- Proteins are polymers of amino acids.
- The sequence of nucleotides in a gene determines the order of amino acids in a protein.
- Each set of three nucleotides is a triplet code that corresponds to an amino acid, this code is universal.
- Different organisms have different sequences of nucleotides in their DNA, but share this common coding system.
DNA - A large chemical molecule made of smaller chemical groups, it carries the genetic code of all living organisms.
Polymer - A chemical made up of smaller repeating chemical groups.
Protein - A chemical substance whose structure is coded for by the genetic code in genes.
Amino acid - A small chemical group that makes up a protein polymer, there are 20 types.
Nucleotide - A chemical group that make up the building blocks of DNA, the four types are coded A, T, C and G.
Common misconception
Genes, DNA and chromosomes are used interchangeably rather than understanding their separate definitions; also that organisms such as animals and plants are not related.
Use images to show the difference between DNA, genes and chromosomes; display a phylogenetic tree so the common ancestry of all living organisms can be visualised and so the commonality of DNA between all life.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions
a polymer that carries the genetic code for all living organisms
small chemical group; 4 types (ATCG) are joined together to make DNA
long chain molecule made of small chemical groups joined together
a polymer that can be structural or functional, coded for by a gene