Year 9

Can political engagement be increased using digital media?

Year 9

Can political engagement be increased using digital media?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will consider how more people can become involved in political matters using a digital platform. We will explore the benefits and any concerns regarding the increasing use of digital media within political engagement.


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5 Questions

How often does a General Election take place?
Each year
Correct answer: Every five years, or before if parliament agree
When the government decide it is time
When the people want a new leader
True or false? Voting is not important really as politics doesn't affect our lives that much.
Correct answer: False
Which of these is an example of somebody who is disengaged from politics?
Attending local council meetings
Joining a political campaign
Not buying a newspaper
Correct answer: Not registering to vote
Which TWO of the following are reasons people may NOT take part in digital democracy?
Correct answer: They do not have the technology
They do not have time
Correct answer: They do not know how to use the technology
They never take part in democracy
What percentage of Estonian voters cast their votes using E - Voting?
Correct answer: 30%