Year 8

How can we take action on global problems?

Year 8

How can we take action on global problems?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore the different actions we can take to address global issues and problems. We will investigate the roles of changemakers and NGO's, and consider the types of action they carry out.


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5 Questions

Everybody is entitled to human rights
Correct answer: True
In the UK, the law to protect our human rights is called...
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission
Correct answer: The Human Rights Act 1998
The Law to Protect Human Rights 1949
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
How many articles are there in the UDHR?
10 Articles
Correct answer: 30 Articles
39 Articles
52 Articles
Who has the responsibility to protect human rights?
A countries government
Amnesty International
Correct answer: Everybody has a responsibility to protect human rights
The United Nations
Which of the following is protected by the UDHR?
Correct answer: The right to a fair trial
The right to commit a crime without being arrested.
The right to tell your employer how much you should earn
The right to watch whatever you would like on television

5 Questions

Which of the problems below are not environmental?
Climate Change
Correct answer: Human rights abuses
Plastic pollution
True or false, an NGO aims to make a profit?
Correct answer: False
True or false, environmental organisations only work internationally?
Correct answer: False
A changemaker is...
Correct answer: an activist who creates a difference
an individual who makes all of the coins for the banks
somebody who gives you change for a £5 or £10 note when you need it
somebody who sets a trend in fashion which people follow
Little Miss Flint campaigned for...
Better schools
Correct answer: Clean water for her town
Girls education
Youth facilities for her town