What is the role of the media in our democracy?
I can explain the role that media has within a democracy.
What is the role of the media in our democracy?
I can explain the role that media has within a democracy.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Media includes mediums of getting information out to the masses on a large scale.
- There are different types of media: broadcast (TV, radio) print (newspapers, magazines) and new media (socials, blogs).
- The UK has a free press which means it is not subject to interference from the Government, this is vital in a democracy.
- Media supports democracy by providing us with information, checking the work of the Government and allowing for debate.
Media - mediums of information which can reach a large number of people, such as television, newspapers and social media
Democracy - a system of government where citizens are able to have their say
Representative demoracy - a system of government in which citizens vote in regular, fair elections for representatives who then make laws and decisions on their behalf
Free press - the right of media to report news and express opinions without government censorship or interference
Common misconception
The Government are able to control the media.
The media is separate from the Government and this is an important feature of a democracy.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
you read it
you listen to it
you watch it