What is democracy?
I can explain what a democracy is and describe the key features of a democracy.
What is democracy?
I can explain what a democracy is and describe the key features of a democracy.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A democracy is a type of government where the citizens are involved in decision making
- Key features of a democracy include free and fair elections, multi party system and protection of human rights
- The are different categories of democracy around the world including: full democracy, flawed democracy and hybrid regime
Democracy - a system of government in which citizens vote in regular, fair elections for representatives who then make laws and decisions on their behalf
Democracy index - an index measuring the quality of democracy across the world
Active citizenship - the process of learning how to take part in democracy and use Citizenship knowledge, skills and understanding to work together and try to make a positive difference in the world
Common misconception
Democracy works exactly the same way in every country.
Democracy takes different forms across the world, for example, direct, full, flawed democracies and hybrid regimes.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
the leader of the Government
peers who scrutinise the bills approved by the house of commons
the head of the state
Exit quiz
4 Questions
they are held regular, have a secret ballot and universal suffrage
the existence of more than one party to offer choice
offers freedom of speech, freedom of association and minority rights
allows citizens to have civic, electoral and political voice
means no one is above the law
power is divided to ensure scrutiny and accountability