Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will turn our project designs into code to create our games.


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3 Questions

You can only choose artwork when coding.
Correct answer: False
Algorithm design can be used to describe what some or all of program will do.
Correct answer: True
Designing before coding helps you to think through what's needed for your program and how it will work.
Correct answer: True

3 Questions

How does using a plan you help complete a programming task?
It ensures there won't be any errors in your code
Correct answer: It helps guide your coding
It means you can't change your mind later
Variables can be given almost any name. Why is it important to choose variable names carefully? (Tick 2 boxes)
Correct answer: It makes code easier to read
Correct answer: It makes it easier to understand what the variable is for
It makes the computer understand your program better
It makes the program run faster
Why is it important to test your code?
To check your spellings
Correct answer: To make sure it does what you intended
To make sure the artwork is the right