Year 3

Using research to develop design criteria

In this lesson, we will gather information, considering the needs of our user. We will use this information to create our own design criteria.

Year 3

Using research to develop design criteria

In this lesson, we will gather information, considering the needs of our user. We will use this information to create our own design criteria.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. gather information about the needs and wants of particular individuals and groups
  2. develop their own design criteria and use these to inform their idea


Range of relevant example foods to taste and evaluate, suitable equipment and utensils such as: knives, chopping board, weighing scales, measuring jugs, bowls, baking trays, spoons - various sizes, parchment paper, cling film

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


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4 Questions

What are we designing?
Correct answer: A packed lunch
A take away meal
Who will the sandwich be for?
A baby
Correct answer: A child
An adult
What do we need the packed lunch to be?
Correct answer: Healthy
High in salt and sugar
What should be include in the healthy packed lunch?
Fizzy pop
Correct answer: Fruit and vegetables

4 Questions

What is design criteria?
Ideas for our design.
Correct answer: Points that we must follow when designing our product.
Questions that we ask.
Why do we use design criteria?
So that our designs are finished.
So that our work is more detailed.
Correct answer: So that we have a clear idea of the needs and wants of the target market.
What is research?
Correct answer: Information that we can collect to help us to design amazing products that meet peoples needs.
Lots of ideas.
Lots of work.
Why is it important to produce a range of design ideas?
Correct answer: All of the above.
So that we can design a brilliant final idea that has really been though about.
So we have lots of ideas that can be developed further.