Year 4

To learn how electrical products meet the needs of users

In this lesson, we will discuss, investigate and, where practical, disassemble different examples of relevant battery-powered products. We will analyse these products and understand how these products meet the needs of the user. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Year 4

To learn how electrical products meet the needs of users

In this lesson, we will discuss, investigate and, where practical, disassemble different examples of relevant battery-powered products. We will analyse these products and understand how these products meet the needs of the user. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. how well products meet user needs and wants
  2. gather information about the needs and wants of particular individuals and groups
  3. how simple electrical circuits and components can be used to create functional products


Aluminium foil, paper fasteners, paper clips, card, paper clips, buzzers, bulbs, bulb holders, batteries, battery holders, scissors, copper tape, Computer/iPad

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.


5 Questions

Which of these is an input device?
A battery.
A buzzer.
Correct answer: A switch.
A wire.
Which of the following is an output device?
A battery.
A cell.
A dial.
Correct answer: An LED.
What is the function of a vacuum cleaner?
To heat a room.
To make a lot of noise.
Correct answer: To pick up dust and dirt.
To wash clothes.
Using electrical products when wet is ...
... not at all dangerous.
Correct answer: ... very dangerous.
Which of these is an electrical product? (Tick 2 boxes)
A book.
A coaster.
A magazine.
Correct answer: A television.
Correct answer: A tumble dryer.

5 Questions

What does the F in the acronym FLUMPS stands for?
Correct answer: Function.
Why might a hairdryer turn off if it overheats?
To dry someone's hair quicker.
Correct answer: To keep the user safe.
To save electricity.
What are tablets and mobile phones powered by?
Correct answer: Batteries.
Mains electric.
Which of the following is an example of an input device?
A battery.
Correct answer: A light sensor.
A wire.
Crocodile clips.
What electrical device is not used to cook food?
A microwave.
Correct answer: A television.
An oven.