Year 4

To design, make and evaluate structures

In this lesson, we will make a structure using appropriate tools and skills. We will ask users to evaluate our structures asking how we could improve. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Year 4

To design, make and evaluate structures

In this lesson, we will make a structure using appropriate tools and skills. We will ask users to evaluate our structures asking how we could improve. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. refer to their design criteria as they design and make
  2. consider the views of others, including intended users, to improve their work


Card, squared paper, sellotape, masking tape, pencil, corrugated card, ruler, scissors, fabric

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.


5 Questions

Which is an example of a shell structure?
A house.
A tent.
A wall.
Correct answer: An igloo.
Which of these structures floats and is made from wood and fabric?
A duck
Correct answer: A yacht
I am waterproof and I contain food. What am I?
A cardboard box.
Correct answer: A lunchbox.
A pizza box.
An umbrella.
Which of these structures are more likely to be used outdoors?
A cat's bed
A doll's house
Correct answer: A treehouse.
Bridges, boats and birdhouses are commonly made from what material?
Correct answer: Wood.

5 Questions

What does marking out mean?
Correct answer: to draw out shapes and lines accurately
to join materials together
When using scissors you must be...
Correct answer: supervised by an adult
Assembling means...
Correct answer: to piece together the parts of a structure
to take apart a structure
Why is it important to follow a design specification?
to explain what you like or dislike about a product
Correct answer: to make sure the structure is designed specifically for the correct user and purpose
When evaluating you are...
Correct answer: looking for what you like, dislike and would improve about your product
only looking for things you dislike about your product