Year 5

Dipping into Macbeth - Murder and the Crown. (Part 4)

In this lesson, we will find out whether Macbeth goes through with murder. We will use a range of drama activities to explore Macbeth's ever changing character and look at the consequences of his actions. This lesson includes some physical activity, please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Year 5

Dipping into Macbeth - Murder and the Crown. (Part 4)

In this lesson, we will find out whether Macbeth goes through with murder. We will use a range of drama activities to explore Macbeth's ever changing character and look at the consequences of his actions. This lesson includes some physical activity, please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. To explore and consider how voice, movement, gesture and the body can be used to represent a character.
  2. To rehearse and perform scripted drama that develops narrative and uses dramatic tension and symbols to communicate meaning.

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended.


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