Year 9

A person and a tree (part 2)

In this lesson, we continue to learn about Drama conventions but deploy them in specific scenarios that relate to a central character we developed in the previous lesson.

Year 9

A person and a tree (part 2)

In this lesson, we continue to learn about Drama conventions but deploy them in specific scenarios that relate to a central character we developed in the previous lesson.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson we will be experimenting with the Commedia style through the use of mime and physicality.

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended.


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4 Questions

What is the name of our central character?
Correct answer: Alex
How did we start building Alex's character last lesson?
Bricks and mortar
Role of a lifetime
Correct answer: Role on the Wall
Pick the true statement
Correct answer: A Role on the Wall is a Drama strategy that allows you to add depth to a character.
A Role on the Wall is a Drama strategy that allows you to get good acting jobs.
What is the name of the drama strategy which allows us to hear your thoughts and feelings when faced with a choice or dilemma?
Correct answer: Internal Monologue
Role on the Wall

5 Questions

What is a scenario?
A way of performing.
An exaggerated conversation.
Correct answer: An outline of a scene or a play with it's own setting.
What is a Still Image?
Correct answer: A moment which is like a painting. It shows detail or themes in a scenario.
A printed picture
A way of stopping to think about your next lines.
Select the true statement
Correct answer: A Thought Track is a drama strategy where you speak a thought out loud, in character.
A Thought Track is a drama strategy where you speak your own personal thoughts, not the character's.
When creating a Still Image, what do you need to consider? Tick all that apply
Correct answer: Breath
Correct answer: Facial Expressions
Correct answer: Stillness
What is the name of the drama strategy that gives life to an object and allows us to speak as it would to gain their perspective on a situation?
Screaming Objects.
Shouting Objects.
Correct answer: Speaking Objects.