Year 2

Co-ordination three ways

I can identify two main verbs in a compound sentence.

Year 2

Co-ordination three ways

I can identify two main verbs in a compound sentence.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Joining two simple sentences with 'and', 'but' or 'or' is called co-ordination.
  2. 'And', 'but' and 'or' are three different co-ordinating conjunctions.
  3. A compound sentence is formed of at least two equal ideas and at least one co-ordinating conjunction.
  4. A compound sentence has at least two different verbs.

Common misconception

Pupils may think that 'and', 'but' or 'or' in sentences always make a compound sentence.

Ensure pupils understand that to be a compound sentence, each idea on either side of 'and', 'but' or 'or' must have equal weight.


  • Co-ordination - joining two simple sentences with 'and', 'but' or 'or'

  • Joining word - a word that joins words or ideas

Instead of using 'co-ordinating conjunctions', use 'joining words' in your explanations to pupils of this age.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is a verb?
a word that describes a noun
a naming word for people, places or things
Correct answer: a doing or being word
a word that joins words or ideas
Match the sentence type to its definition.
Correct Answer:simple sentence,a sentence about one idea that makes complete sense

a sentence about one idea that makes complete sense

Correct Answer:compound sentence,a sentence formed of two simple sentences and a joining word

a sentence formed of two simple sentences and a joining word

Which of the following words are verbs?
Correct answer: are
Correct answer: pull
What is the past tense of the verb 'go'?
Correct answer: went
Identify the joining word in this compound sentence: 'I don't eat meat but I do eat fish.'
Correct Answer: but, But
Which sentence contains a command?
What a beautiful ring that is!
Your shoes are by the door.
Have you got your coat today?
Correct answer: Get your bag and we will go home.

6 Questions

What are the key features of a compound sentence?
Correct answer: They contain at least two verbs.
They include an expanded noun phrase.
Correct answer: They include two ideas of equal importance.
Correct answer: They include a joining word.
Joining words...
start a sentence to tell the reader when something happens.
are the words that start commands.
Correct answer: join words or ideas.
are a group of words with no verb.
Identify the verbs in this compound sentence: 'Let's go to the park and play on our skateboards.'
Correct answer: go
Correct answer: play
Match the joining word to its purpose.
Correct Answer:and,for building on

for building on

Correct Answer:but,for a positive and a negative

for a positive and a negative

Correct Answer:or,for an option or an effect

for an option or an effect

What is the purpose of a joining word in a compound sentence?
to join two nouns
Correct answer: to join two ideas
to join two verbs
What joining word is missing from this compound sentence? 'I want to go on the swings __________ they are always busy.'
Correct Answer: but, But