Year 2

Sharing an opinion by speaking loudly and clearly

I can share an opinion by speaking loudly and clearly.

Year 2

Sharing an opinion by speaking loudly and clearly

I can share an opinion by speaking loudly and clearly.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Things you think or believe are called your opinions
  2. An audience is a group of people listening to or watching a performance or speaker
  3. Speaking loudly and clearly is important when talking in front of an audience

Common misconception

Children in KS1 might not project their voices or speak loudly.

Show children a simple volume scale or traffic light system to visually represent the desired volume level.


  • Opinion - An opinion is what a person thinks or believes.

  • Audience - An audience is a group of people gathered to watch a performance or event.

You may wish to create a 'speakers corner' in your classroom. This would be a designated place that the children would stand when talking to the class. This helps them to understand that they need to project their voice when speaking in this spot.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is it important to do when speaking out loud?
speak quietly
Correct answer: speak loudly
speak very quickly
Why is standing up to speak a good thing to do when speaking to an audience?
it makes you look taller
Correct answer: it is more special and grown up
it means you can jump up and down while speaking
Where should a person look when speaking to an audience?
Correct answer: at the audience
at the floor
at the ceiling
How should we speak to an audience?
in one word answers
Correct answer: in full sentences
not at all
When someone is speaking to you, what should you do?
look at the floor
talk over them
Correct answer: listen to them
After someone has finished speaking to an audience, what is a polite thing to do?
Correct answer: give them a clap
shout at them
stay silent

6 Questions

What is an opinion?
Correct answer: what a person thinks or believes
what a person does
what a person says
What does it mean to 'share' an opinion?
to let somebody borrow your opinion
Correct answer: to tell somebody what you think
to break your opinion and give half to somebody else
An opinion is personal to who?
Correct answer: the person who has the opinion
the person who is listening to the opinion
Can an opinion be wrong?
Correct answer: no
What is an audience?
Correct answer: a group of people gathered together to watch a performance
a group of children playing in the playground
a group of teachers having lunch
Which of these are important things to do when speaking in front of an audience?
Correct answer: keep your feet flat on the floor
look at the floor
speak quietly
Correct answer: speak louder than you normally would