Year 2

Planning sentences about a special item based on 'The Proudest Blue'

I can plan a sequence of sentences about a special item.

Year 2

Planning sentences about a special item based on 'The Proudest Blue'

I can plan a sequence of sentences about a special item.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The hijab is a very special item for the main character in 'The Proudest Blue'.
  2. We can identify our own special belongings which hold meaning.
  3. Sentimental items are ones that remind us of a special person, place, time or feeling.
  4. A plan is written in note format, using bullet points to write the key information in a few words.

Common misconception

Students may struggle with the concept of note-taking and write in full sentences.

Model examples of note-taking by asking students to share their special item and demonstrating how to translate this into notes on a flipchart or whiteboard.


  • Special - belonging specifically to a particular person or place and holding meaning

  • Plan - a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text

  • Notes - written out of full sentences

Pupils should have read and discussed the story 'The Proudest Blue' ahead of this lesson. 'Show and tell' an item that holds sentimental value for you as immersion into the writing of this unit to promote enthusiasm and engagement.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the 2020 Andersen Press edition of ‘The Proudest Blue’ by Ibtihaj Muhammad for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Contains depictions of discriminatory behaviour.


Adult supervision suggested.


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

What is 'The Proudest Blue' about?
Correct answer: a special item
a special colour
a special meal
What makes an item special?
the colour it is
Correct answer: the meaning it has
how much it cost
How can we show other people respect for what is important to them?
Correct answer: show an interest in it
Correct answer: show kindness and acceptance
treat them differently
Why is the hijab special to Faiza and Asiya?
It looks nice to wear.
Correct answer: It is an expression of their Islamic faith.
It cost a lot of money.
How can I prepare for writing?
write my ideas straight away
Correct answer: discuss and share my ideas with others
Correct answer: create a plan
True or false? The same items are special for everyone.
Correct Answer: False, false

6 Questions

What makes an item sentimental?
It costs lots of money.
You use it everyday.
Correct answer: It reminds you of a special person, place, time or feeling.
Which of the following are examples of a sentimental item?
a brand new toy
Correct answer: a baby blanket
Correct answer: a hand-written letter
a mobile phone
Which order should we put the information about our special item in?
1 - what your special item is
2 - a description of your special item
3 - why the item is special
4 - a special memory or day with your item
What is a plan when writing?
ideas the writer has
Correct answer: a framework that writers create before they write
a discussion before writing
How should information in a plan be recorded?
in full sentences
as questions
Correct answer: note-taking in bullet points
Which of the following is a good example of note-taking?
Correct answer: first hijab, blue, soft and silky, religious expression
My special item is my first hijab which I bought with my mum.
My special item is my first hijab which is the colour blue and is silky.