Planning and writing the second part of the build-up of 'The Highwayman'
I can plan and write the second part of the build-up of ‘The Highwayman’.
Planning and writing the second part of the build-up of 'The Highwayman'
I can plan and write the second part of the build-up of ‘The Highwayman’.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- When describing a character, we can consider their actions, appearance and feelings.
- Using show-not-tell is a powerful way of helping the reader engage and identify with a character.
- When planning, we record our ideas using notes and bullet points.
- Success criteria act as a useful guide to help us remember which skills to include in our writing.
Compound adjective - an adjective formed of two hyphenated words
Hyphen - a punctuation mark that can be used to form compound adjectives
Show-not-tell - a writing technique for showing a character’s feelings with description of their actions, body language and facial expressions
Common misconception
Pupils may find it challenging to describe a range of aspects of Tim's appearance and feelings.
Explicit modelling of adjectives, including compound adjectives, and show-not-tell will help pupils with their descriptions.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
the door of a stable, which is where horses are kept
a person employed to look after the horses of people staying at an inn
Exit quiz
6 Questions
an adjective formed of two hyphenated words
a punctuation mark that can be used to form a compound adjective
shows characters' feelings by describing their actions
the setting
the Highwayman
setting and character description
part one of the build-up
part two of the build-up
hiding behind a stable wicket
as he covertly watched the pair of lovers
who had wide, hollow eyes