The presentation of Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 5 of ‘Macbeth’
I can explore how Lady Macbeth is presented in Act 1, Scene 5 of ‘Macbeth’.
The presentation of Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 5 of ‘Macbeth’
I can explore how Lady Macbeth is presented in Act 1, Scene 5 of ‘Macbeth’.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Lady Macbeth's behaviour subverts expectations of Jacobean women
- Lady Macbeth summons demonic spirits to 'unsex her’ and allow her to become powerful
- Lady Macbeth doubts Macbeth's abilities
- Lady Macbeth is willing to go to extremes for what she wants
- Lady Macbeth wants Macbeth to be deceptive in his quest to become King
Ambitious - If you are ambitious, you are determined to succeed in an area of aspect of your life.
Deception - Deception is the means by which you lead someone to believe something that is not true.
Chaste - To be chaste can mean not having any sexual desire or intentions.
Unwavering - If you are unwavering, you don't stop until you complete something. You are determined.
Plotting - Plotting is when, in secret, you plan to do something bad.
Common misconception
Lady Macbeth's 'unsex me' here means she wants to be a man.
Whilst she might want some masculine qualities, there are more implications to this. She could be calling for supernatural qualities too.
You need access to a copy of William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of sexual content
Adult supervision required