Year 11

Writing effective introductions and conclusions on 'Animal Farm'

I can write sophisticated introductions and conclusions about the theme of education in 'Animal Farm'.

Year 11

Writing effective introductions and conclusions on 'Animal Farm'

I can write sophisticated introductions and conclusions about the theme of education in 'Animal Farm'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Introductions and conclusions should follow a three part structure.
  2. An excellent introduction should start with a general statement about the text.
  3. An introduction should then have a more specific statement about the focus of the question, followed by a thesis.
  4. A conclusion should include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the text in exploring the writer's purpose.

Common misconception

I don't need to bother with a conclusion.

Who will be reading your response? Imagine them reading your final sentence, how do you want them to feel?


  • Overarching - An argument which is overarching encompasses all the main ideas or themes of a text.

  • Thesis - An overarching argument or the main idea in a response.

  • Fable - A short story, usually including animals, that presents a moral message.

  • Timeless - Something that does not change as a result of time or fashion.

  • Noun Appositive - A noun phrase that extends another noun to add extra information.

Getting students to write and add introductions and conclusions to existing essays would be a great extra task to compliment this lesson.
Teacher tip


You will need access to a copy of 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of peer pressure or bullying


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What role does education play in 'Animal Farm'?
Education is not addressed in the novella.
Education is essential for the animals to overthrow the humans.
Correct answer: Education is primarily for the pigs, excluding other animals.
Education is only relevant to the humans in the story.
Which character from 'Animal Farm' is described as saying: "The education of the young was more important than anything that could be done for those who were already grown up."
Correct Answer: Napoleon, Napoleon.
In 'Animal Farm', how does the concept of language evolve throughout the story?
Language remains static, with no significant changes.
The animals abandon language as a means of communication.
Correct answer: Language is gradually corrupted to serve the pigs' interests.
The animals develop a new, more democratic language.
Which answer completes this quote from 'Animal Farm': "With their__________, it was natural that they should assume the leadership."
Correct answer: superior knowledge
large statures
ability to lead
use of rhetoric
Which of these animals listed from 'Animal Farm' is the only one that can read?
Correct answer: Muriel
Complete this quote, spoken by Boxer in 'Animal Farm': "I have no wish to take life, not even life".
Correct Answer: human, Human

6 Questions

Which word beginning with "T" describes: "something that does not change as a result of time or fashion."
Correct Answer: Timeless, timeless, timeless., Timeless.
Which of one of these is not part of a three part structure for an introduction?
Correct answer: Supporting detail and analysis
A thesis statement
A sentence about the whole text
A sentence focusing on the theme or character
Which one of these is not part of a three part conclusion structure?
An evaluative comment
A sentence about what the text teaches us or gets us to think about
Correct answer: A comment to introduce your overarching argument
A sentence to summarise what you have said
Which of the following are conclusive discourse markers?
Correct answer: Consequently
Correct answer: Ultimately
Correct answer: Fundamentally
To begin
Which of these is an example of a complex sentence with a fronted subordinate clause?
Boxer is the epitome of ...
Orwell represents this through ...
Correct answer: In the presentation of Old Major, Orwell suggests that ...
Squealer is described as....
'Animal Farm' is...
Which of these sentence starters does not use a noun apositive?
'Animal Farm', Orwell's powerful novella, presents a...
Boxer, who represents the proletariat, continually strives to...
Correct answer: Orwell is suggesting that through the power of education...
Orwell, who was a democratic socialist, believed in....
The barn, a microcosm, comes to represent...