Year 11

Conceptualising travel writing and making predictions based on titles

I can make predictions about a text based on the title.

Year 11

Conceptualising travel writing and making predictions based on titles

I can make predictions about a text based on the title.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. People travel for a range of reasons including enjoyment and health.
  2. Writers are often keen to record observations from their travels.
  3. The observations become a way of remembering and recalling the journeys.
  4. We read travel writing in order to share in the writers’ experiences.
  5. When reading a new text, it is useful to make predictions from the title.

Common misconception

Students may think that travel writing needs to be about far away places.

Draw their attention to the social messages implied in the titles 'Down and Out in Paris and London' and 'Travels with Charley: In Search of America'.


  • To explore - to search and discover places and things

  • Novelty - something that is new and unusual

  • Nuance - a very slight difference in meaning

  • Inherently - in a way that exists as a natural or basic part of something

  • To observe - to watch something or someone carefully in order to learn about them

In LC1, encourage student to share examples of the different kinds of travel. E.g. school field trips and language exchanges. What words wold they use to describe them?
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Which of the following best defines 'to summarise'?
to repeat information word for word
to offer alternative interpretations
Correct answer: to condense and convey the main points
to expand upon details and provide examples
Which of the following is a synonym for 'attitudes'?
Correct answer: perspectives
What do we do when we make a prediction?
We zoom in on key words and analyse them.
We make a value judgement and attempt to convince others we are right.
Correct answer: We make guesses about the future based on current knowledge.
We consider all the evidence and draw a logical conclusion.
What word beginning with 'c' refers to the associations or emotions that are implied by a word or phrase?
Correct Answer: connotations, connotation
What word beginning with 'i' refers to the skill of reaching an understanding or conclusion based on available information and evidence?
Correct Answer: inference, infer, to infer
What can we infer from the metaphor in the following sentence: 'For me, the desire to travel was a voice that whispered promises in my ear.'?
Correct answer: The speaker is anticipating that travel will be exciting.
The speaker is nervous about travelling.
The speaker thinks that travel is stressful.
The speaker is overwhelmed by the thought of travel.

6 Questions

Match the keywords to their synonyms.
Correct Answer:explore,investigate


Correct Answer:novelty ,newness


Correct Answer:nuance,subtlety


Correct Answer:down and out,penniless


Correct Answer:observe,notice


In which century did Robert Louis Stevenson and Isabella Bird live?
18th century
Correct answer: 19th century
20th century
21st century
Why did Isabella Bird travel?
Correct answer: to improve her physical health
to get away from civilisation
for the pleasure of travelling
Match the starts of these titles belonging to travel writing texts to their connotations.
Correct Answer:Travels ...,extensive exploratory travel

extensive exploratory travel

Correct Answer:Notes ...,brief observational sketches

brief observational sketches

Correct Answer:Life in the ...,something permanent and meaningful

something permanent and meaningful

Which of the following best fits the definition of an ironic situation?
a situation characterised by feelings of uncertainty or stress
Correct answer: a situation characterised by unexpected outcomes or contradictions
a situation characterised by humour and jokes
a situation characterised by confusion and disorder
Which of the following is the most nuanced interpretation of the word 'journey'?
A journey is a long trip to a faraway place.
Journeys are important to people and so people like to write about them.
Correct answer: A journey can be one of the heart as well as one taken out into the world.