Numbers: 1-12, 'des'
Learning outcomes
I can use 'il y a' with indefinite articles 'un', 'une' and 'des' and numbers 1-12 to say how many there are.
I can distinguish the nasal sound [(a)in] from the oral vowel [a].
Numbers: 1-12, 'des'
Learning outcomes
I can use 'il y a' with indefinite articles 'un', 'une' and 'des' and numbers 1-12 to say how many there are.
I can distinguish the nasal sound [(a)in] from the oral vowel [a].
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Vocabulary and transcripts for this lessons
Key learning points
- The sound-symbol correspondence [(a)in] is a nasal sound; the vowel [a] is an oral sound.
- 'Il y a' means both there is and there are.
- Adding -s to nouns makes them plural.
[(a)in] - pronounced as in 'train'
Nasal vowel - a sound produced by air passing through both the nose and mouth
Des - plural indefinite article meaning some
Combien de - interrogative adverb meaning how much or how many
Common misconception
The 's' is pronounced at the end of plural nouns in French.
The 's' is not pronounced at the end of plural nouns in French, it is an SFC, a silent final consonant.
Lesson video
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Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
5 Questions