Cardiff as a capital city
I can explain what is special about a capital city and locate, name and describe some of Cardiff’s most significant landmarks.
Cardiff as a capital city
I can explain what is special about a capital city and locate, name and describe some of Cardiff’s most significant landmarks.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A capital city is where the Government has their headquarters and makes important decisions.
- The Welsh name for Cardiff is Caerdydd; the Welsh language is widely spoken in Wales.
- Cardiff Castle is on a site that is nearly 2000 years old and is an important landmark and tourist attraction.
- Cardiff grew into a large settlement very quickly because it was an important centre for the coal industry.
Government - A government is the group of people who are in charge of running the country
Parliament - Parliament is the group of people who make the laws for the country
Commute - To commute is to travel quite a long distance between your home and where you work
Landmark - A feature in the landscape which has a particular meaning attached to it, for example to help with directions, is called a landmark.
Common misconception
That commuters all drive cars to work.
Many people do drive their car to work, but commuters are all the people that travel to a place for work using any mode of transport.
Starter quiz
6 Questions