Locating our place with an address and directions
You can describe where a place is and how to get there using address, maps and geographical vocabulary.
Locating our place with an address and directions
You can describe where a place is and how to get there using address, maps and geographical vocabulary.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Places can be located using their address and postcode.
- Maps and keys help us locate places, give directions and plan journeys.
- Changing the scale on a map by zooming in or out shows us different views of a place.
- Public transport such as buses, trains and planes, are shared means of travel.
Address - An address is the name of a place with a postcode and other information such as street and town names to help you locate where it is.
Public transport - Public transport is the shared use of vehicles such as trains, buses, trams and planes on routes where people pay fares.
Map key - A map key is a box of information on a map that tells you what the lines and symbols on the map mean.
Post code - A post code is a group of letters and numbers that identify the location of different addresses.
Common misconception
Large scale maps show a large area and small scale maps show a small area.
Large scale maps show a small area. Small scale maps show a large area.
Starter quiz
6 Questions

The place where you go to send letters and parcels.
There are fields here where crops grow and animals graze.
A town with a harbour where ships load and unload goods.
A building that is a place of prayer for Muslims.

A narrow body of water that flows over the land in a channel
The place where the sea meets the land
A small area of still, fresh water that does not flow
A large expanse of salt water

Exit quiz
6 Questions