Location and growth of settlements
I can describe and explain some of the reasons why settlement are established and grow.
Location and growth of settlements
I can describe and explain some of the reasons why settlement are established and grow.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Many settlements have long histories, on sites chosen for resource access, for example: water, fertile land and wood.
- Physical geography can influence why settlements start, grow and change.
- Human geography can influence why settlements start, grow and change.
Settlers - Settlers are people who move with a group of others to live in a new location.
Natural resources - Natural resources are those that come from Earth without human influence and can be used for human needs.
Crossroads - A crossroads is the point at which two roads meet and cross each other.
Bridging point - A bridging point is the location on a river where it is possible to make a bridge to connect the two sides.
Site - A site is the exact location of a place in relation to other nearby places or features.
Common misconception
Some children may struggle to understand the concept of countour lines.
Showing animations and models of land in 3D with contour lines marked on can help.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
places where groups of people live and work
the number of people who live in a place
places where certain things happen e.g. parks for playing