Year 4

Working in the Lake District

I can describe the Lake District and how the landscape is used by people who work and visit there.

Year 4

Working in the Lake District

I can describe the Lake District and how the landscape is used by people who work and visit there.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. People mainly work in tourism but farming is a traditional occupation
  2. Beef cattle and sheep are the main livestock kept by hill farmers. Its famous Herdwick sheep often graze on common land.
  3. Traditional practices include hedge laying, coppicing of woodland and quarrying of local building materials
  4. Tourism is vital to the economy of the area, providing employment and supporting services in local communities

Common misconception

This lesson talks a lot about tourism and traditional occupations. Some children may believe these are the only jobs for people living in the Lake District.

Explain to pupils that although tourism is the main source of income, people also need access to other services such as healthcare and the emergency services. Therefore, there will be lots of other occupations including doctors, teachers and police.


  • Common land - Common land is land where people have shared rights for collective, communal grazing of livestock.

  • Tradition - A tradition is something that has been done the same way for a long time

  • Economy - The economy is the way money in a particular area is made through production and trade and how money is spent

  • Tourism - Tourism means people travelling to a different place from where they live for a holiday

  • Quarrying - Quarrying is digging things like rock or sand out of the ground for use

Children will research their own trip to the Lake District. You could allocate pupils a budget and specify how many nights their stay would be. They could cost each activity and budget for food. This could be used to demonstrate how the local economy benefits from income generated by tourism.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Where is the Lake District in the UK?
Correct answer: north west
north east
What type of farming is best suited to the Lake District?
Correct answer: hill sheep farming
High rainfall in the Lake District is a result of what type of rainfall. Unscramble the letters to help you with the answer.
1 - R
2 - E
3 - L
4 - I
5 - E
6 - F
Put these statements describing the causes of rainfall in the Lake District in order.
1 - Warm moist air rises over mountains
2 - Air cools and condenses, forming clouds
3 - Air passes over the top of mountains and warms as it descends
Why is the Lake Districts climate not as expected for its latitude?
It has land over 910 m
It has 16 lakes
Correct answer: The Gulf Stream brings warm water to the coast
Match the key word to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:latitude,imaginary lines that describe how far north or south a place is

imaginary lines that describe how far north or south a place is

Correct Answer:altitude,the height above sea level

the height above sea level

Correct Answer:climate,average weather conditions recorded over 30 years

average weather conditions recorded over 30 years

6 Questions

Which is the correct definition for these key words?
Correct Answer:tourism,people visiting a place different to where they live for a holiday

people visiting a place different to where they live for a holiday

Correct Answer:quarrying,digging things like rock or sand out of the ground for use

digging things like rock or sand out of the ground for use

Correct Answer:economy,the way money in a particular area is made

the way money in a particular area is made

How many people have a job in tourism in the Lake District?
Correct answer: 15000
How many people work in farming?
Correct answer: 2500
What materials do people quarry for in the Lake District?
Correct answer: slate
Correct answer: materials for dry stone walls
How much money did tourism bring to the Lake District in 2022?
Correct answer: £2 billion
£20 million
Why do tourists visit the Lake District?
Correct answer: They enjoy the outdoors
They like being indoors
Correct answer: They like the beautiful scenery
They like hot sunny holidays on the beach