Year 6

Who were the Celts, and why did they use iron?

In this lesson we will learn about the Celts who formed the first proper tribes in Britain. We will learn about the culture of the Celts, and how they moved on from bronze and made use of a different metal: iron.

Year 6

Who were the Celts, and why did they use iron?

In this lesson we will learn about the Celts who formed the first proper tribes in Britain. We will learn about the culture of the Celts, and how they moved on from bronze and made use of a different metal: iron.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. How Celtic people spread throughout Britain
  2. Life in an Iron Age fort


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5 Questions

Which of these words best describes bronze (choose three)?
Correct answer: Durable
Easy to make
Correct answer: Heavy
Correct answer: Sharp
The Beaker culture did not have a big impact on Britain.
Correct answer: False
Which of these is the correct combination for making bronze?
bronze + copper = tin
bronze + tin = copper
bronze + tin = gold
Correct answer: copper + tin = bronze
The Beaker Culture started to migrate across Europe in:
1800 BCE
Correct answer: 2800 BCE
4000 BCE
6000 BCE
What is the name given to someone who finds and studies artefacts from the past?
Correct answer: Archaeologist

5 Questions

The Celts used iron because it was a better metal than bronze.
Correct answer: False
When did the Iron Age in Britain begin?
2500 BCE
4000 BCE
43 CE
Correct answer: 800 BCE
Why did the Celts live in hillforts?
The farmland was better quality on hills.
There were more useful resources on hills.
Correct answer: To offer protection from other tribes.
To protect them from the weather.
How do we mostly know about the Celts living during the Iron Age?
Correct answer: From the Roman invaders who wrote about the Celts living in Britain.
The Celts wrote down in books about their life.
We have lots of evidence from clothes and other artefacts left behind.
Celtic culture, including religion and diet, was spread out across Europe.
Correct answer: True