Captain Noel Chavasse
I can describe how the military used medals to reward soldiers for their bravery and service in WWI.
Captain Noel Chavasse
I can describe how the military used medals to reward soldiers for their bravery and service in WWI.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Local communities often celebrate the bravery of certain individuals who fought in the Great War.
- Captain Noel Chavasse was a British doctor and Olympic athlete who fought during WWI.
- He fought at one of the most famous battles of WWI: the Battle of the Somme.
- He was awarded the Victoria Cross twice for saving the lives of other soldiers.
- Awards and medals are awarded to recognise soldiers who show extreme bravery, skill and service to their country.
Prestigious - prestigious refers to people and things which are very important and highly respected
Courage - courage is shown when you choose do something that frightens you
Award - an award is something that is given in recognition of an achievement
Victoria Cross - the Victoria Cross was a prestigious award given to soldiers for acts of extreme bravery
Common misconception
Medals were only awarded to leaders who fought in WWI.
Medals were awarded for acts of bravery across all ranks of soldiers.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
Adult supervision recommended
Starter quiz
6 Questions
dedicated to those who lost their lives across the country
dedicated to those who lost their lives in a small area
a special day each year, dedicated to all those who lost their lives
Exit quiz
6 Questions
people and things which are very important and highly respected
is shown when you choose to do something that frightens you
something you receive in recognition of an achievement