Year 7

Did Henry III learn from John on how to rule?

Year 7

Did Henry III learn from John on how to rule?

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Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn about the struggle Henry III faced in trying to rule England whilst increase his power at the cost of Magna Carta


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5 Questions

When was Magna Carta signed?
Correct answer: 1215
How did Magna Carta limit John's powers?
Stopped him from creating taxes without the barons permission
Correct answer: Stopped him from making choices on who should be given a job in the royal council
Stopped him making church appointments
Stopped him ruling alone
Which of these show why John did NOT struggle to rule England?
England was invaded
John was not winning the First Barons' War when he died
Prince Louis was asked to be King of England
Correct answer: Ruled with the support of the barons
What caused the First Barons' War?
Correct answer: John deciding not to follow Magna Carta
John getting rid of his foreign fighters
John ruling with a council
The barons handed over London
Which of these show the effect of John's struggle to rule England?
England was richer than before he was king
He left a strong ruler to replace him
The barons continued to support him
Correct answer: The king could no longer rule alone but needed his barons support

5 Questions

Which of these helped Henry rule England at the beginning of his reign?
Barons not being advised
Following his own rule
Selling justice
Correct answer: Using Magna Carta
What was a reason for the barons losing trust in Henry?
Henry asked the barons to raise taxes
Henry ruled with a council
Correct answer: Henry used foreigners to advise him
Henry was successful in war
What caused the Pope to threaten to excommunicate Henry?
Failure to pay for France
Failure to pay for Italy
Failure to pay for Scotland
Correct answer: Failure to pay for Sicily
Henry tried to regain the lands of which empire?
Correct answer: Angevin
What helped to rule England before Henry was old enough to rule for himself?
Council of the barons
His family
Correct answer: Regency council