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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will learn how Laud's reforms caused the Bishops' Wars and further tensions between the King and Parliament.


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5 Questions

Which friend of Charles I was assassinated?
Correct answer: Duke of Buckingham
John Finch
William Laud
How many years did Charles' personal rule last for?
Correct answer: 11 years
5 years
7 years
How did Charles I raise money? (Choose two)
By becoming a business man and trading silks, spices and jewels.
Correct answer: By changing Ship Money so that all of England had to pay the tax.
Correct answer: By increasing the amount of fines for people that illegally took from the royal forests.
By selling the crown jewels.
Charles I religious views were that:
Correct answer: He was a protestant but enjoyed some catholic ideas such as decorating the churches.
He was a protestant that hated Catholics and planned to divorce his catholic wife.
He was a puritan that thought churches and priests were best when they looked plain.
What happened to the three puritans that protested against Laud's reforms?
Correct answer: Their ears were hacked off.
Their tongues were cut out.
They were fined £200.

5 Questions

How did people react in Scotland to Charles I's religious reforms? (Choose two)
Correct answer: A bishop had to defend himself with pistols as he informed his congregation of the news.
Correct answer: Chairs, cricket bats, sticks and stones were thrown at priests as they read the new bible.
Many Scots accepted the changes, they thought it was new and exciting.
The Scottish immediately raised an army to try and assassinate Charles I.
Why were English noblemen reluctant to fight in the Bishops' Wars?
They agreed with the Covenant that Catholicism should be protected in Scotland.
They much preferred to stay at home where they could rest and not put their life on the line.
Correct answer: They worried Charles had grown too powerful and was wrong to fight protestants.
At what point should parliament have stopped protesting against Charles I?
Never! The king had broken the law and needed to learn of his mistakes.
Parliament should have stopped once Charles ended his personal rule and called them back.
Correct answer: When Charles agreed to remove ship money.
How much did Charles have to pay Scottish troops after the Treaty of Ripon?
Correct answer: £850 a day
£850 a month
£850 a year
How did the Earl of Stafford help Charles I?
By executing 8,000 Scottish Presbyterians.
Correct answer: By providing him with 8,000 Irish Catholics.
By providing him with 8,000 Irish Protestants.