Year 7

Edward I: warrior and just ruler

I can explain how Edward I successfully united England.

Year 7

Edward I: warrior and just ruler

I can explain how Edward I successfully united England.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Edward I was a strong leader and skilled in warfare.
  2. Edward I wanted to unite England after it had been divided by a civil war between the king and his barons.
  3. Edward I showed he could be a just ruler, and called a Model Parliament in 1295.
  4. Parliament persuaded Edward I to expel Jewish people from England.
  5. Edward I was the first medieval king not to be faced with a civil war.

Common misconception

Involving Parliament with the rule of the land meant there would be more fairness and justice.

Parliament passed discriminatory laws: handing more power to parliament did not necessarily mean a growth in rights and freedoms for all.


  • Parliament - parliament, or talking meeting, is the group of political representatives who make laws, grant taxes and advise the king

  • Just - just is when something or someone is fair or morally correct

  • Antisemitism - antisemitism is hate or cruel treatment directed at Jewish people

  • Knightly class - the knightly class is the group of landholders beneath the barons

Get students to examine a writ of summons to the parliament of 1295. Ask them to identify why historians call this a ‘Model Parliament’ with a focus on its composition.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Contains depictions of discriminatory behaviour.
  • Contains conflict or violence.


Adult supervision suggested.


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6 Questions

, or talking meeting, is the group of political representatives who make laws, grant taxes and advise the king.
Correct Answer: Parliament, parliament
What is a civil war?
a peaceful protest against the government within a country
Correct answer: a war between different regions or communities within the same country
a war between two or more countries
Put the capital cities of England, Wales and Scotland into a south to north order, starting with the capital city that is furthest south, and ending with the one that is furthest north.
1 - London
2 - Cardiff
3 - Edinburgh
In the feudal system, what was the primary role of knights?
offering legal advice to their lord
Correct answer: providing military service to their lord
trading goods for their lord
William the Conqueror was duke of Normandy; where is Normandy located?
eastern Spain
Correct answer: northern France
southern Germany
western Italy
What were the first types of castles built by the Normans in England known as?
concentric castles
Correct answer: motte-and-bailey castles
stone keep castles

6 Questions

In which of these areas was Edward I stronger than his father, Henry III?
his knowledge of law
Correct answer: his leadership in warfare
his religious devotion
What important political event did Edward I order in 1295?
Correct answer: the establishment of the Model Parliament
the signing of a peace treaty with France
the start of the Hundred Years' War
Which of these is the best definition of 'parliament' as it was in Edward I's reign?
Correct answer: a group of political representatives who make laws and advise the king
a place where the king lives and works during his reign
a royal decree which outlines justice in the country
a type of medieval court which decides if someone is innocent
Starting with the earliest, place these events in chronological order:
1 - Edward becomes King of England
2 - Edict of Expulsion of Jewish people
3 - the Model Parliament
What did involving parliament in England's government show about Edward I’s reign?
It showed a commitment to absolute fairness and justice for all.
Correct answer: It showed a fair rule, but the passing of laws was not always just.
It showed the total elimination of the king's power.
Edward I was the first medieval king not to face a war during his reign.
Correct Answer: civil, Civil

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