Year 8

Governance and religious policy under Akbar

I can explain the importance of Akbar’s religious policies and the ways in which he governed the Mughal Empire.

Year 8

Governance and religious policy under Akbar

I can explain the importance of Akbar’s religious policies and the ways in which he governed the Mughal Empire.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Akbar was a Muslim but generally followed a policy of religious tolerance for non-Muslims.
  2. Akbar believed that religious intolerance would make the empire harder to govern.
  3. A new taxation system, the dahsala, was introduced during Akbar's reign.
  4. The dahsala was designed to help serve the interests of both the Mughal government and ordinary people.

Common misconception

Akbar's religious tolerance was absolute throughout his reign.

Akbar made some exceptions to his general policy of religious tolerance, such as when he declared a jihad against the Hindu Kingdom of Mewar.


  • Tolerance - tolerance involves allowing people to do or believe what they want although your beliefs are different or you do not agree with them

  • Abolished - if something is abolished, it is officially ended

  • Chronicle - a chronicle is a written record of things that happened in the past

  • Revenue - revenue is the amount of money coming in, for example, into a government through tax or into a company


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6 Questions

After the Second Battle of the Mughals gained 120 war elephants.
Correct Answer: Panipat
The Mughals' capture of the Sultanate of Gujurat was important because it contained many...
enslaved people
Correct answer: ports
gold mines
During the 1570s, why did soldiers from Bengal often change sides to fight with the Mughals?
they had converted to Islam
Correct answer: in order to receive higher pay
the Mughals had captured many of their families
they were unhappy with their treatment by the Sultan of Bengal
In 1567 Emperor Akbar declared that the war against __________ was a jihad.
Correct answer: Mewar
Why was it somewhat surprising that Akbar married the king of Amber's daughter?
The king of Amber's daughter was still a child.
Correct answer: Akbar was already married.
The king of Amber's daughter was already married.
They were from different religions.
In the kingdom of Amber, Akbar granted freedom of religious worship to...
Correct Answer: Hindus

6 Questions

Which group of people paid the jizya tax before Akbar abolished it in the Mughal Empire?
Enslaved people
Correct answer: Non-Muslims
What events did Akbar host at the Ibadat Khana?
Correct answer: Religious debates.
Lavish banquets.
Extravagant parties.
Cultural festivals.
Akbar had a chronicle of his reign produced in the 1590s, known as the...
Correct Answer: Akbarnama, akbarnama
Why was there a risk that religious intolerance could lead to serious rebellion in the Mughal Empire?
Correct answer: Most of the population was non-Muslim
Correct answer: Non-Muslims might rebel against the Mughals if treated poorly.
Most of the Mughal army was non-Muslim.
Almost all of the richest people were non-Muslim.
When Akbar became emperor the taxation systems of the Mughal Empire were...
Correct answer: chaotic
In 1580 Emperor Akbar introduced a new tax system called the...
Correct Answer: dahsala, Dahsala

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