Year 11


I can describe the policy of Vietnamisation.

Year 11


I can describe the policy of Vietnamisation.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Nixon promised to end US involvement in Vietnam by strengthening the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN).
  2. Nixon believed this would calm anti-war tension in the US.
  3. American troops began to withdraw while the US continued to heavily fund the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN).
  4. Vietnamisation had mixed results for both the US and the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN).

Common misconception

South Vietnam needed US troops because they didn't have much of an army of their own.

The South Vietnamese Army was one of the largest in the world. What they lacked was modern equipment and training.


  • Vietnamisation - Vietnamisation was the US policy of withdrawing troops and transferring responsibility for the war to the government of South Vietnam

  • Honour - honour is knowing and doing what is morally right

  • Withdrawal - withdrawal means leaving a place or situation

Create an 'argument tunnel' by splitting students into 2 lines facing each other: one side argues that Vietnamisation was a success and the other that it was a failure. Students argue with the person in front of them, then 1 line moves one space left
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Contains subject matter which individuals may find upsetting.


Adult supervision suggested.


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6 Questions

What ideologies was the Cold War fought between?
capitalism and fascism
Correct answer: communism and capitalism
fascism and communism
Match the keyword to its definition.
Correct Answer:containment,a foreign policy strategy during the Cold War

a foreign policy strategy during the Cold War

Correct Answer:communism,political ideology wherein everybody is equal

political ideology wherein everybody is equal

Correct Answer:capitalism,economic system based on private ownership

economic system based on private ownership

Put the following events related to Vietnam in chronological order.
1 - Viet Minh fight the French
2 - President Eisenhower supports Diem in South Vietnam
3 - America's involvement in Vietnam escalates
4 - Large-scale protests against the war in Vietnam
What was the primary reason for President Eisenhower supporting Diem in South Vietnam?
to economically develop South Vietnam
Correct answer: to contain the spread of communism
to provide humanitarian aid
to offer a military alliance
Complete the sentence: large-scale in America became more frequent as the Vietnam War continued.
Correct Answer: protests, protest
Complete the sentence: The Offensive in 1968 had a dramatic impact on the American public's perception of the war.
Correct Answer: Tet

6 Questions

What was Nixon's main reason for implementing Vietnamisation?
Correct answer: to end US involvement in Vietnam
to expand US involvement in Vietnam
to increase capitalist influence in Vietnam
to strengthen US ground troops
Put the following in chronological order.
1 - The Tet Offensive
2 - President Johnson's announcement that he would not run for reelection
3 - Nixon's promise of 'peace with honour'
Match the keyword to its definition.
Correct Answer:Vietnamisation,US policy of transferring responsibility to the war to South Vietnam

US policy of transferring responsibility to the war to South Vietnam

Correct Answer:honour,knowing and doing what is morally right

knowing and doing what is morally right

Correct Answer:withdrawal,leaving a place or situation

leaving a place or situation

What was the acronym used for the South Vietnamese army?
Correct Answer: ARVN, arvn
Finish the sentence: instances of , which was the deliberate killing of your commanding officer, increased among US troops as the war progressed.
Correct Answer: fragging
How large was the ARVN compared to other militaries because of Vietnamisation?
largest in the world
second largest in the world
third largest in the world
Correct answer: fourth largest in the world

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