Freedom rides: protests and progress for civil rights (1961)
I can describe the events of the Freedom Rides and explain their significance for the civil rights movement.
Freedom rides: protests and progress for civil rights (1961)
I can describe the events of the Freedom Rides and explain their significance for the civil rights movement.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- In 1960, the Supreme Court had ordered interstate bus terminals and stations to desegregate.
- CORE, SNCC and the SCLC came together to organise Freedom Rides to see whether this ruling was being carried out.
- The Freedom Riders were an integrated group who faced extreme violence on their journey.
- Violent opposition was supported and enabled by the KKK, police chiefs and the FBI.
- The Freedom Rides were considered a success by most as they raised awareness of the civil rights movement.
Interstate - interstate is when a service exists between states - for example, buses travelling between states
Direct action - direct action is the use of demonstrations or protest to achieve a goal, rather than negotiation
Integrated - integrated groups are groups with both black and white Americans
Common misconception
The increased success of the direct action in the 1960s was the result of minimal opposition.
Direct action in the 1960s was increasingly successful because of the increased opposition that was captured by national and international news reporters.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
- Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering
Adult supervision recommended