Year 5

Converting between units of metric mass

Year 5

Converting between units of metric mass

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will introduce the concept of mass and investigate how to convert between grams and kilograms.


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5 Questions

Which of the below is equivalent to 30 miles?
42 km
46 km
Correct answer: 48 km
49 km
On Monday, I completed a 5 mile walk and on Tuesday I completed a further 16 km. How far did I walk in total on both of those days?
13 km
15 km
Correct answer: 15 miles
21 miles
For charity, I completed a 60 mile walk. My cousin completed a 72 km walk. What was the total distance of our walk?
166 km
Correct answer: 168 km
174 km
178 km
The distance from London to Coventry is approx. 176 km. How far is this in miles (approx.)?
100 miles
Correct answer: 110 miles
128 miles
220 miles
Anna completed a sponsored run. For every 5 miles, she was given £15. She completed 72 km in total. How much money did she raise from her run?
Correct answer: £135

5 Questions

Which of the below shows a correct conversion between g and kg?
1 g = 1000 kg
Correct answer: 1000 g = 1 kg
5 kg = 8 g
500 g = 10kg
How many grams is 9.8 kg equivalent to?
9.8 g
98,000 g
980 g
Correct answer: 9800 g
A recipe for 12 fairy cakes is listed but I cannot make out how much flour I will need, which of the below is it likely to be?
110 kg
Correct answer: 120 g
2800 g
9.9 kg
How many kilograms is 420 grams equivalent to?
0.042 kg
Correct answer: 0.42 kg
42 kg
420 kg
A recipe asks for 210 g of flour and 0.2 kg of sugar, what is the total amount of flour and sugar needed?
0.41 g
Correct answer: 0.41 kg
0.42 kg
400 g