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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will investigate the relationship between centimetres and metres. We will convert between both types of measurement and learn about fractional representations of metres as centremetres.


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6 Questions

The length of a new pencil is likely to be
Correct answer: 12 cm
50 mm
7 cm
The height of a classroom door is most likely to be
150 cm
Correct answer: 2 m
200 mm
Which is the longest length?
12 cm
Correct answer: 140 mm
9 cm
Which is the shortest length?
13 mm
2 cm
Correct answer: 5 mm
How would you write 4 cm and 3 mm?
34 cm
43 cm
Correct answer: 43 mm
Imagine a square - the length of a side is 5 cm. Imagine an equilateral triangle - the length of a side is 6 cm. Which has the longest perimeter?
Correct answer: The square
The triangle

5 Questions

Which is the longest length?
Correct answer: 12 m
140 cm
9 cm
Which is the shortest length?
13 cm
2 m
Correct answer: 5 cm
How would you write 4 m and 3 cm?
34 m
Correct answer: 403 cm
43 cm
How would you write 7.2 m?
7 m and 2 cm
72 cm
Correct answer: 720 cm
How would you write 513 cm?
Correct answer: 5.13 m
51.3 m
513 m