Units (10)
Units released in 2020-22
Health related exercise activity: components of fitness
Year 7
6 lessons2
Dance activity: an introduction to choreographic processes, devices and intention, performing set choreography and devising of individual work
Year 7
6 lessons3
Games activity: developing fundamental and transferable skills
Year 7
6 lessons4
Athletic activity: acquiring techniques
Year 7
6 lessons5
Outdoor and adventurous activity: following instructions and problem solving skills
Year 7
6 lessons6
Health related exercise activity: personalised fitness
Year 8
6 lessons7
Dance activity: developing the use and application of appropriate action, space and dynamics linked to the intention of seeing 'below the surface'
Year 8
6 lessons8
Games activity: analysing and improving performance
Year 8
6 lessons9
Athletic activity: developing power, strength and speed
Year 8
6 lessons10
Outdoor and adventurous activity: Developing critical thinking
Year 9
6 lessons