Plant health and growth
You can observe and record different stages of plant growth.
Plant health and growth
You can observe and record different stages of plant growth.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Plants need water, light and a suitable temperature (warmth) in order to grow and stay healthy.
- Healthy plants grow strong and upright. The leaves are firm and flowers fruit and root systems are well formed.
- An unhealthy plant can be dry, dull, brown or yellow in colour and unable to stand upright.
- The growth of plants over time can be observed and recorded in different ways.
Plant - A plant is a living thing that often has roots, stem and leaves
Unhealthy - A plant becomes unhealthy when it does not have everything it needs
Wilt - A plant will wilt when it can no longer stay upright. Often the stem becomes floppy
Observe - When we observe, we look closely with our eyes, and use other senses
Record - We record in science to keep information so that it can be looked at again
Common misconception
Pupils may think that we observe using only our eyes
Show how we can use other senses to observe, we might listen, smell or touch when we observe
Pupils will need cameras, ipads, drawing materials etc. in order to record in their chosen ways
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions

photo or video
drawing or sketch
graph or chart