Measuring speed: practical
I can accurately measure the average speed of a trolley moving down a ramp.
Measuring speed: practical
I can accurately measure the average speed of a trolley moving down a ramp.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- A ramp will produce a force that allows a dynamics trolley to roll down it.
- The average speed of the trolley can be found from distance and time measurements.
- Counting down ‘3, 2, 1, go’ helps start a stopwatch at the right moment.
- Observing with eyes in line with the finish line helps stop a stopwatch at the right moment.
Dynamics trolley - A small wheeled object used to investigate movement.
Gradient - The steepness of a slope, the larger the gradient the steeper a slope is.
Timer - A device used to precisely measure time, usually to 0.1 s or 0.01 s.
Metre rule - A simple length measuring instrument.
Average speed - The overall distance travelled divided by the overall time for a journey.
Common misconception
Students may think that the constant force on the trolley will cause it to move at a constant speed.
Demonstrate that the trolly speeds up as it rolls, by finding speed near the start and near the end of the ramp.
Content guidance
- Risk assessment required - equipment
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions
A wheeled object used to investigate motion.
A measure of the steepness of a slope or ramp.
A device used to measure time.
A device used to measure length.
Overall distance travelled divided by overall time taken.