I can explain how streamlining reduces drag.
I can explain how streamlining reduces drag.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Streamlining reduces drag.
- Streamlining reduces how much a fluid needs to be pushed out of the way for an object to move through it.
- The drag force on an object moving through a fluid (liquid or gas) increases with speed.
- Streamlining can increase the top speed of a vehicle.
Drag - When an object moves through a liquid or a gas (a fluid), a drag force acts on it as it pushes particles out of its way.
Air resistance - The drag force on an object moving through air is called air resistance.
Streamlined - A streamlined object is shaped to reduce the drag forces acting on it.
Water resistance - The drag force on an object moving through water is called water resistance.
Common misconception
Pupils often do not recognise the existence of a drag force on an object moving through air.
Demonstrate the effect of drag forces by dropping pieces or paper (folded and unfolded) and show they reach the ground at different times.
Content guidance
- Risk assessment required - equipment
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions

Exit quiz
6 Questions
The force that acts when an object moves through a fluid.
The drag force in air.
The drag force in water.
Shaped so that it moves through liquids/gases more easily.