Year 7

Particle model of substances in the gas state

I can describe how the arrangement and movement of particles alters when a substance changes from the liquid to gas state.

Year 7

Particle model of substances in the gas state

I can describe how the arrangement and movement of particles alters when a substance changes from the liquid to gas state.


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In the gas state a substance can flow, it fills the whole of a container and can be compressed.
  2. In the gas state, particles of a substance are moving very quickly in random directions with gaps between them.
  3. In the gas state, particles have enough energy to be free of the attractive forces between them.
  4. There is nothing at all between the particles in a gas.


  • Gas state - Substances in the gas state can be compressed to take up less space.

  • Particle - All substances are made of tiny particles, these move differently depending on the state of matter of the substance.

  • Random movement - In a gas state the particles have a random movement, they move in all directions.

  • Compress - Compress means that something can be made to take up less space than before. Substances in the gas state can be compressed.

Common misconception

The idea that there is air between the particles in a gas.

Emphasis on explaining that air contains particles and has nothing between them.

Demonstrate sealed syringes filled with air and water.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required



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Lesson video


6 Questions

What is a particle?
A type of gas
Correct answer: A small portion of matter
A type of container
When a substance is compressed, it is said to take up space than before.
Correct Answer: less, smaller
What happens to the particles in a substance when it changes from the liquid to solid state?
Correct answer: They slow down
They move more freely and quickly
They become larger
When a substance changes from solid state to liquid state, it is said to have .
Correct Answer: melted, melt, melting
In which state of matter are particles closest together?
Correct Answer: solid, solid state, solids
True or False? When a substance changes state, its mass will change (either increase/decrease)?
Correct answer: False

6 Questions

Which state of matter allows particles to fill the whole of a container and be compressed?
Solid state
Liquid state
Correct answer: Gas state
What is the primary characteristic of the movement of particles in the gas state?
Correct answer: Random movement
Vibrational movement
Fixed position
Order the following states of matter based on the strength of the forces of attraction between particles. Start with the state of matter which has the strongest forces of attraction between particles.
1 - Solid state
2 - Liquid state
3 - Gas state
Which is the correct definition of compression, when referring to substances in the gas state being compressed?
Correct answer: Volume reduces due to increased pressure bringing particles closer together.
Reducing the size whilst maintaining the quality.
Assessing a material's resistance to distortion under force.
Why can substances in the gas state flow and fill the shape of their container?
Because their particles move in fixed positions
Because their particles are larger than liquids and solids
Correct answer: Because their particles move freely and spread out
Between particles in the gas state there is .
Correct Answer: only space, nothing, space, nothing but space, empty space