
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi, I'm Miss Davies.

This bar chart shows information about the number of pets that's owned by a group of people.

You can say that the bars are equal width.

They also have an equal distance between them.

On the vertical axis, which is the frequency, it goes up by the same amount.

Between each line it is worth two.

How many people were asked? We can say that three people own a dog, four people own a cat, six people own a fish, and two people own a different kind of pet.

If we add these four numbers together, it gives us a total of 15.

This means that 15 people were asked.

What is the modal pet owned? Modal or mode means the most, the most number of people owned a fish.

So fish is the modal pet.

Here's a question for you to try.

Pause the video to complete your task and resume once you're finished.

Here is the answer: you might have drawn the vertical axis differently using a different scale.

As long as each number increases by the same amount, that's fine.

Here's some questions for you to try.

Pause the video to complete your task and resume once you're finished.

Here are the answers: There were 12 students that were late over the week in total with the most on a Monday.

This could be because students didn't sleep well on the Sunday night.

That's all for this lesson.

Thanks for watching.