Safe dance practice and technique

In this lesson, we will learn how to perform a safe dance specific warm up and technical exercises linked to professional work 'Infra'.

Safe dance practice and technique

In this lesson, we will learn how to perform a safe dance specific warm up and technical exercises linked to professional work 'Infra'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pupils will demonstrate an awareness of safe dance practise and awareness of technique
  2. Pupils will identify strengths and limitations and work to bridge the gap between them.
  3. Pupils will learn about warm-up and technique. They will be introduced to and begin to develop fundamentals of basic ballet training.
  4. Pupils will learn about focus, self-awareness, self-discipline and problem solving.


Device to play music (e.g. phone or MP3 player), a 2x2m clear space, suitable clothing.

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended.


This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.


3 Questions

A warm up physically and mentally prepares us for our activity
Correct answer: True
Which main muscles/body parts are being used in the stretch performed by the dancer pictured?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Hamstrings, Gluteals and Lower Back
Knees and Elbows
Neck and Wrists
Tick all of the items that you think would be suitable to wear for a dance class (hint - there are 6 answers!):
Correct answer: Jazz Shoes
Correct answer: Jogging Bottoms
Correct answer: Leggings
Correct answer: Leotard
Over-sized clothing
Pencil Skirt
Correct answer: Sportswear
Correct answer: T-shirt

3 Questions

What is a Plie?
Correct answer: Bending of the knee
Dropping of the hips
Folding of the elbow
Physical skills help us to improve our ability to perform:
Correct answer: True
When we work improving on our technical skills we need to ensure we show:
Correct answer: Accuracy

Lesson appears in

UnitPhysical education / Dance activity: developing the use and application of appropriate action, space and dynamics linked to the intention of seeing 'below the surface'

Physical education