Year 7

Minimising waste

In this lesson we will look at how to minimise food waste and how we can help the environment. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. We recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with the trusted adult nearby.

Year 7

Minimising waste

In this lesson we will look at how to minimise food waste and how we can help the environment. This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. We recommend checking with a trusted adult before starting or doing the lesson with the trusted adult nearby.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. how to competently use a range of cooking techniques for example, selecting and preparing ingredients; using utensils and electrical equipment
  2. how to taste and cook a broader range of ingredients and healthy recipes, accounting for a range of needs, wants and values
  3. how to actively minimise food waste such as composting fruit and vegetable peelings and recycling food packaging


Basic food equipment

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended.


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3 Questions

What could you do with your left over food?
Correct answer: Reuse.
Throw it away.
What are the main contributions to food waste? (Tick 2 boxes)
No food storage.
Not enough preservatives in the food.
Correct answer: Over buying.
Correct answer: Spoilage.
What should we do with food packaging to help the environment?
Correct answer: All of the above.
Recycle it.
Reduce the amount we use.
Reuse it.

3 Questions

Which harmful gas can be made from food rotting at landfills?
Correct answer: Methane.
What could we do with bones from a roast chicken?
Correct answer: Boil them to make a broth or stock.
Feed them to the dogs..
Grind them to make bread.
Throw them in the bin.
Which of the following items can we not recycle? (Tick 2 boxes)
Aluminium tins.
Correct answer: Cling film.
Correct answer: Crisp packs.
Foil trays.