Year 1

Practice of letters with ascenders

I can form the letters with ascenders correctly.

Year 1

Practice of letters with ascenders

I can form the letters with ascenders correctly.


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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The part of the letter that reaches above the x-height line is called the ascender
  2. The letters b, d, h, k and l all have starting points on the ascender line
  3. The letters f and t have starting points between the x-height line and the ascender line
  4. The letters with ascenders are b, d, h, k, l, f and t


  • Ascender - the part of a letter that extends above the level of the top of an "x"

  • Ascender line - the line above the x-height line which most letters with ascenders reach up to

  • X-height line - this is the line that x-height letters go up to

  • Baseline - this is the line that most letters sit on

  • Starting point - starting point is the place where we begin to write a letter or shape, usually at the top or left side.

Common misconception

That the letters h, b, d and k are x-height letters.

Modelling through the lesson that although parts of the letter are x-height, they are not x-height letters because they have ascenders.

Use your body to remind the children visually that the ascenders reach up above the x-height line.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - physical activity


Adult supervision required



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Lesson video


6 Questions

Select the letters with descenders.
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Select the letters with descenders.
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Select the correct formation of the letters b and h.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Select the correct formation of the letter d and k.
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Select the correct formation of the letters l and t.
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Select the correct formation of the letter f.
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz

6 Questions

A letter which reaches above the x-height line is called an...
x-height letter.
Correct answer: ascender letter.
descender letter.
The letters b and h have starting points on the...
Correct answer: ascender line.
x-height line.
descender line.
The letters f and t start between which two lines?
Correct answer: ascender line
descender line
Correct answer: x-height line
Select the letters which reach the ascender line.
Correct answer: d
Correct answer: l
Correct answer: h
Select the true statements regarding letters with ascenders.
Part of the letter reaches below the baseline.
Correct answer: Part of the letter reaches above the x-height line.
Ascender letters are x-height letters.
Match the letter type with the correct letters.
Correct Answer:x-height letters,a, c, o, e, i, m, n, r, s, u, v, w, x and z

a, c, o, e, i, m, n, r, s, u, v, w, x and z

Correct Answer:ascender letters,b, d, h, k, l, f and t

b, d, h, k, l, f and t

Correct Answer:descender letters,g, j, p, q and y

g, j, p, q and y

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