Year 1

Describing and locating our favourite places

I can draw a picture or show a photograph of my favourite place and talk about why it is special.

Year 1

Describing and locating our favourite places

I can draw a picture or show a photograph of my favourite place and talk about why it is special.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A favourite visited place may be nearby, or far away, even in another country.
  2. Geographical vocabulary helps us talk about why places are special to us.
  3. Geographers make connections between what a place is like and the activities that are possible there.
  4. All places can be located using maps and globes or atlases.

Common misconception

The best place I've ever been to has to be in another country.

The best place you have been to can be abroad but it doesn't have to be, it can be somewhere you have visited with family or to see family like another town or can be a place you went to on a day trip like a theme park, museum or zoo.


  • Special place - A special place is a place where someone has good feelings when they are there.

  • Map - A map is a two-dimensional representation of an area, showing geographical features and where they are in relation to each other.

  • Globe - A globe is a map of Earth on a sphere.

Make sure you have lots of maps available of areas and countries that you know children are from or have been to, to help them talk about why it is special. Ask children to bring in some photographs of the best place they have been to, this will support their recall and deepen discussion.
Teacher tip


map, atlas or globe


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6 Questions

Aerial photos are taken from...
Correct Answer: above, the sky, he air
What can we add to a photo or map to show how we feel? Unscramble the letters to find the answer.
1 - S
2 - Y
3 - M
4 - B
5 - O
6 - L
7 - S
Match up the term with the statements.
Correct Answer:fact,the playground is outside

the playground is outside

Correct Answer:opinion,it is relaxing near the pond

it is relaxing near the pond

Correct Answer:fact,trees grow outside

trees grow outside

Correct Answer:opinion,lining up for school is exciting

lining up for school is exciting

Which would be most useful for finding your way around a town?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: large scale plan
world map
What word do we use to describe places that are important to us? Unscramble the letters to help you.
1 - S
2 - P
3 - E
4 - C
5 - I
6 - A
7 - L
If we compare two places, what must we think about?
Correct answer: similarities and differences
Q4 © Google Maps

6 Questions

What helps us to describe our special places?
Correct answer: geographical vocabulary
scientific vocabulary
French vocabulary
What does this image show?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: globe
a ball
the moon
This image shows us a of Europe.
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: map
To describe a location, we use these words; north, east, west and...
Correct Answer: south, South
Are these activities or places?
Correct Answer:activity,hiking


Correct Answer:place,school playground

school playground

Correct Answer:place,grandparents house

grandparents house

Correct Answer:activity,swimming


How can you share information about your favourite place?
Correct answer: create a display
keep a diary
Correct answer: discuss ideas
Correct answer: draw pictures